The first “Neustaedter Trachtenwoche“ (= folk dance festival) in Neustadt/Holstein in 1951 initiated the foundation of the „Neustaedter Volkstanzkreis“ (= Neustadt folk dance group). Our aim is to preserve German folk dancing and folk music and to show it to the public – especially traditional dances and music from Northern Germany.
In 1951 the group just had 12 members. Now we are proud to be one of the largest costume dance groups in Germany with about 200 members of whom about 100 are active dancers.
Depending on their age the active members are building various groups:
“Kleiner Kreis“ – children from 4 years
“Mittlerer Kreis“ – teens between 9 and 17 years
“Großer Kreis” – adults from 18 years on

We are especially glad to have an own group of musicians which enables us to dance with live music at most of our performances.
Our costumes are typical for the Baltic coast of Germany. The first paintings showing similar costumes of our region date back to the 18. century. The costumes, impressive due to their simple distinctive beauty, survived in the manor house of Testorf in the vicinity of Neustadt/Holst., where the milk maidens still wear them on feast days. Some of our members are wearing a traditional suit of the local fishermen which is a bit less formal than the feast costume.
The “Neustaedter Volkstanzkreis” is quite popular by its many performances in the vicinity of Neustadt, but is also presenting regional dances in the whole of Germany, on international festivals and on television.
We have represented Neustadt/Holstein and Germany by joining international festivals, e.g. in: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republik, Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Sweden. In addition to these we have visited innumerable groups following private invitations all over Europe.
We are always glad to establish new contacts with other groups and can be booked at any time.
For more information, please, contact our president:
Lars de Waal
Neustädter Volkstanzkreis e.V.
Postfach 13 03
23723 Neustadt in Holstein